The Dave Ryan Show

The Dave Ryan Show

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A Quick Way to Figure Out If You Want Someone in Your Life

Wanna reassess all your relationships to figure out which ones are still worth the time investment? But, ironically, don't want to invest too much of YOUR time in that process?


You should try the "two beers and a puppy" method. It's a simple two-question test that tells you basically everything you need to know about how you feel about a friend, a coworker, a family member, or anyone . . .


1. Would you want to have two beers with this person?


2. Would you trust this person to look after your puppy for the weekend?


If you can answer a clear "yes" to both . . . that means you really value your relationship with the person. You like them and you trust them.


But if the answer to one or both questions is "no" . . . you have to make a choice. Should you invest time into fixing the relationship . . . or is it a sign that you've grown too far apart and it's time to move on?




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