Friday we watched Outer Banks, and that's about it! It was glorious to have 0 plans, but Saturday was pretty busy. We got up to go to Olive's dance class, and I wanted to get a copy of the Parade of Homes Magazine. I'm on one cover and Jason DeRusha is on another. They're free at Kowalksi's and Holiday Station Stores!
After dance, Olive had her pre-school screening. I had NO IDEA this was a thing, and all of my other mom-friends who are first time moms didn't either. I found out because her daycare told me, so here's me telling you if you didn't know. It's an early look to see if they're on track for school. They ask questions, play games, check sight and hearing etc. Olive did GREAT!
Next we went to Corduroy at the Children's Theatre. It was super cute! Get tickets here! AND if you see it, you will be yelling out BUTTON! For the rest of the day:)
Today I took the girls to get some photographs! I'll share those once I get them. Elliott pooped in the car on Olive's coat in the back seat on the way there. It was super awesome! lol
AND I let Olive paint with me. I never let her normally considering oil paints are not for kids, and this will be the last time. She got it everywhere, and it does not come out. She will be able to use her kids paints with me next time lol! I hope you had a great weekend. Jenny is off this week, so wish us luck! lol