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Falen's Weekend Quarantine in 5 Pictures 1/7-1/9

Thursday morning I tested positive for Covid. I've had a lot of questions...so first of all, I don't know where I got it. It is very likely I got it from traveling, but it's also possible I've gotten it elsewhere. I've been asked that a lot, and I just don't know.

Jake had lost his voice a bit a few days before me, but that was my first "symptom". I started getting achy and well, you know where it goes from there. To be safe, we've all stayed home and quarantined together. Olive will be out of school this week, and I will be doing the show from home Monday and Tuesday. We'll hit the 5 day quarantine for me to attend work on Wednesday.
With all of that said, I'm feeling much better now. Oddly, my taste and smell just went. After not having that symptom, I had hoped I wouldn't. Anyway, Olive hasn't had any symptoms, and Jake's had cleared when mine started.
I tried to make a beef ragu recipe I posted on my blog last week, and I over-cooked the meat, so it isn't supposed to look like this, but while I could still taste, it tasted good lol.

Olive refused to take off this Minnie Mouse dress all weekend...

I watched my bird feeder and had Dave identify them via text lol...
Fun Fact: Dave gave me this bird feeder, and I love it!

Then we got to this point today...

And someone randomly charged $76 at Chipotle to our credit card. Nothing else...so we had to cancel it, so I couldn't even online shop...which is actually probably a blessing. I have also been listening to this book! That is all for me this weekend. I hope you're well and healthy and happy lol! Talk to you in the morning!

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