I currently have chicken in the air fryer, and I'm exhausted. After the show Friday, I went to the airport to head back home to Indiana. I spent the evening with 2 of my best friend's from high school, Kimberly and Tiffany. We went to dinner at a super nice restaurant they now have in my hometown, and we had to stop by the high school for a picture. They recently put up a big Mustang statue with full genitalia, which we all thought was odd that that was included...but I got pics with that too of course! You can see that pic on my Instagram @falenkdwb
I was in town to surprise some college friends who were having a reunion, but it happened to line up with my family reunion too, so I surprised everyone and stopped by. I had the best food, and my Mamaw cried. It was SO cute! It was so good to see everybody. Some I hadn't seen in years!
Then my friends picked me up, and we drove to Louisville for the night. I made everyone play power hour which is a game we used to play in college. We found a playlist on youtube, but you take a shot of beer every minute for an hour. It doesn't seem like a lot, but it adds up quickly!
We all got ready and went out to dinner...
AND of course it was pouring down rain...
I had a 7a flight, but I hung until about 12:30...then they all busted in my room around 3a.m. drunker than I left them. I had a slight desire to kill them...but I was also laughing because they were ridiculous. It was seriously so fun. I miss my friends from back home. I'm sure you know that feeling when you just pick back up with people, and you share common stories...you just laugh until you're crying with them...its the best! I hope you had a great weekend:)