Happy Sunday! I realize this may have been a sucky weekend for you if you're a Vikings fan. I support the Vikings but didn't watch the game...sorry. I was on my Oprah high, so forgive me. I'll make another blog post separate from this one about Oprah! Friday we said goodbye to Colt our night guy. He's moving to Dallas for a new job.
Our friends had a baby 2 months after Olive, and her name is Florence. We brought them dinner on Friday night and hung out.
Saturday was ALL about Oprah!
Saturday night I made breakfast for dinner which is a favorite. I tried a new recipe with all Trader Joe's items. This is something you could easily make by getting ingredients elsewhere. Click here for it. It was a hit!
I woke up this morning and rode the peleton and did a bunch of stuff around the house. We grabbed breakfast out (we haven't eaten out all week with the exception of Colt's going away party because we are try to be more cautious about how much we spend eating out). Then, I went to be on my friend, Min's podcast. I'll let you know when the episode is coming out!
When I got home, I got the treat of Jake's sister, Hannah, coming over to see Olive:) Olive loves her Aunt Hannah!
I hope you had a great weekend:)