I've really been trying to get my house in order...clean out the refrigerator, hang photos, get rid of stuff, remove clutter. SO there was a lot of that this weekend. Friday, we hung this new picture up, and I swear it's not crooked even though it looks like it is! haha (Vintage mirror, table from Target and picture frame from Artifact Uprising)
Saturday, the boys went on a bike ride with Jake's brother and his friend.
I went out to meet my buddy, Cory. He's from Indiana and was in town for the Vikings game, so we had a drink at Dangerous Man. We used to work together at a Box Office where we sold tickets for a venue.
Saturday night, we ate McDonald's...let's get real...it was amazing, and I will NOT apologize. Sunday, we took the pups to the dog park, and Dolly found a perfect toy...
AND in the mix with doing a bunch of stuff like buying apple cider scented hand soaps and doing laundry, we went on an 11 mile bike ride! It is such a beautiful day! I hope you had a weekend outdoors...because even I was out there enjoying it! ha! Thanks for checking out my pics:)