I never really think if I eat something "right". I get that ish in my mouth as fast as I can. BUT when it's actually broken down, some people eat their food in super weird ways!
A new survey asked people if they eat certain normal foods in strange ways. Here are the results . . .
1. 21% of people don't peel their string cheese, they just bite the entire thing. (NOPE! I'm not a big string cheese person, but when I do eat it, I peel it!)
2. 14% eat ribs with a knife and fork. (WHAT?! NO!)
3. 19% eat macaroni and cheese with a spoon. (I would if it's all I had)
4. 18% eat pizza with a knife and fork. (BLASPHEMY!!)
5. 7% eat pizza crust first. (I RARELY even eat my crust)
6. 5% don't break apart Kit Kat bars and just take bites of the entire thing. (That's just strange)
7. 5% eat canned ravioli straight out of the can, cold. (Nope. I could see Dave doing this.)
8. And 1% of people eat their cereal with milk and ice cubes. (Why? No.)