Chase works at a TV station in Phoenix as a reporter. He was doing a story about owls swooping down and carrying off small pets. He came by his house to use his own dog and cat as visuals. I helped him frame the shot which I was super-proud of and watched him do his thing. He does such a great job! He won an Emmy not long ago…Did I mention that? ;-)
Speaking of pets, this is his cat, Mavis. He found her abandoned when he worked in Yuma and she’s been spoiled ever since! Mavis and I got up early Saturday and just hung outl
When you stay at someone’s house and ask, “Is there anything you need me to do?”, be prepared.
Chase and I used to ride skateboards together all the time so I really wanted to do that. Not gonna lie, it’s been awhile and I was kinda nervous but it went great! See the video on my Instagram, @daveryankdwb
I had never played a “Solve the Mystery” game but we played with Maddie on Saturday night and it was so cool! We actually got it right and we had a really good time! Have you played one of these before? I brought it home and I’m gonna give it away to someone on Monday’s show!