Dang, was it hot this weekend? And that's great because I love it hot! Nothing is more fun than trying to stay cool on a hot, summer day!
Let's get started with them pictures!
We watched Ava for Allison and Justin so they could go to dinner Friday night for their third anniversary.
Okay, big news for me. I have a paddle board but I haven't used it in the last couple of years because we didn't have a roof rack or a car big enough to put the board inside. So I went to REI Friday and picked up a very simple roof rack! Now I can go whenever I want to!
Saturday was gorgeous and hot! I took my buddy, Josie, paddle boarding on Lake Minnewashta. She liked it at first until she fell in a few times, then she was ready to get out.
Since we have no one to go home to (yes, I'm whining that Susan's never home) we stayed at the park and played ukulele under a tree. Well, at least I did. She listened.
And the photo of the weekend award goes to........Jenny's Burning Man Birthday Party!
Pretty much everyone in this picture is someone you know. Can you name them?
Hope you had a GREAT weekend and thanks as always for looking at my pics!