Well hello! Hope you had a good weekend! I was in Colorado this weekend to test out some new equipment and take care of some family stuff so my pictures are a little different this weekend. Let's get started!
Let's go ahead and start with this. I was looking for a ring under the couch cushions and dang, they have not been checked or cleaned in a long time! I found cereal, a hair tie, a marble, a post card, a rolled up pair of socks, a Hot Wheels car and a freaking GAME BOY! I have NO idea who the Game Boy belongs to but you'd think they would have missed it enough to have looked in the couch cushions!
I made dinner Friday and followed a recipe called for basil and fresh shaved parmesan cheese. Not only did it taste great but also looked a whole lot better than a bunch of spaghetti smothered in Ragu! LOL!
I grew up in Colorado and back in kindergarten, my teacher taught us that this flower is the first sign of Spring in Colorado. It's called Cutleaf Anemone and clearly remember how hard it was for a kindergartner to say "anemone" :-)
I laid out in a hammock for a while on Sunday.
I love this picture! That's Allison on the right with her daughter and Allison's best friend since they were three! Allison and Kaila did everything together growing up and now they have baby girls about the same age!
And that's it! Thanks for taking time to look at my pictures. Have a good week!