I'm finally on the website! Strap in y'all, because I waste no time on the weekends or weekdays. Ya girl gets stuff DONE. So let's get crazy let's get nuts with this post.
Nick, Sarah, and me at Fireroast Cafe!
On Friday, some of my besties from college came to visit. They live in St. Cloud and I don't see them nearly as much as I'd like to. Nick and Sarah have some of the driest humor and make me laugh so much. Hopefully one day soon they'll move down here so we can all hang out more. We went to the coffee shop Fireroast and I got a thai coffee and one of those peanut butter chocolate rice krispy treats. Delish.
Me, Sarah, Jess, and Nick by the pool!
We headed out to Inver Grove Heights where additional college friend, Jess, lives. We hung out by her pool! Briefly stood inside the pool, but I can't swim so all I did was stand. Lots of kids around, but their laughter was cute. And then we went to a lackluster Mexican restaurant (ya girl has been craving chips and salsa 24/7).
Fairy garden!
Went on a short walk on Saturday morning. I was signed up to volunteer in the garden at one of the parks near my apartment building, but totally forgot about it and went on a walk instead. I'm bummed I missed volunteering, but I did get to see this adorable fairy garden! You never know what you'll run into when you're on 5 mile walks around the city lakes.
Miranda at the other end of the table at Abby's grad party!
I went to a grad party for one of my Speech Team seniors with my assistant coach, Miranda. The party was Alice in Wonderland Mad Tea Party themed. I've not been to a grad party with an entire theme before! There were fancy tea cups, tiny sandwiches, and croquet outside. It was very involved!
Iconic Jill Bernard introducing the Twin Cities Improv Festival, day 2!
The rain made the LOTI Pencil Sharpening event get cut in more than half, so I missed it! Instead, I went with my friends Kai and Justin to the Twin Cities Improv Festival at HUGE Theater in Uptown, my favorite improv theater in the city. I laughed so so much and it was a packed theater, which always makes the best vibes. Kai and I got MORE Mexican food too. Delicious.
My name on a chair at HUGE!
When I go on my MegaWalk every year, I raise money for HUGE Theater because it's such a happy place. I raised $500 last year, and when you donate $500, you get your name on a chair. In a packed theater, me and my friends chose a random spot in the third row and I HAPPENED to get the chair with my name on it. The odds are like 1 in 120.
The poster for Eleemosynary by Spacetime Theatre!
On Sunday, my dad, sister, her spouse, and my niece went out to breakfast for Father's Day. (Both my dad and my niece don't like being in pictures). Then, me and my dad went to see Eleemosynary at the Gremlin Theatre in St. Paul. The theatre company, Spacetime Theatre, is brand new, so I'm glad I got to support new work! I won a pair of these tickets at Musical Mondays this month (and I never win anything!) If you like dramas, complex mother/daughter relationships, and monologues, go see this show!
I ran an errand at an Ace Hardware to buy another tomato cage for my garden (and oops I bought two more pepper plants) and there were TWO CATS THERE??? Wow. Will go out of my way to return.
Christy and James at DND night!
Rounded out my weekend playing Dungeons & Dragons with my friends Marty, Christy, and James. My character's name is Vohn Kodiak. He is a centaur gunslinger (he's a cowboy who is also his own steed). We fought some really hard villains tonight and I took a lot of damage, but I took a lot of notes today so I would be better at remembering what happened. I am currently typing this while actively in an encounter with several Giff guards equipped with muskets and pistols.