Jenny's Weekend in Five Pics: 7/19 - 7/21

Andrew and I went to the MN Yacht Festival in St Paul all weekend! We got there in time for Gwen Stefani and she put on a much better show than I was expecting!

Andrew and I are big fans of The Head and the Heart so we tried to get pretty good spots for their show. We also saw Alanis Morissette, The Offspring, Gary Clark Jr., & Red Hot Chili Peppers. The Offspring also surprised us with a super entertaining show!

Sunday my niece and nephew came to visit while my brother-in-law went to the Twins game so Andrew and I took them to Lumberjack Days in Stillwater!

We walked across the Lift Bridge and my nephew was being a little stinker when I tried to get a picture with them, lol.

And because we want to be the cool Aunt and Uncle, we took them to Candyland after and they were in heaven! Hope you had a good weekend!

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