If you're at a fancy restaurant, you ARE going to want dessert. Actually, you'd want dessert even if you were at The Cheesecake Factory. The difference is: "Cheesecake" is easy to pronounce.
For whatever reason, "Business Insider" recently put out a list of the most commonly mispronounced DESSERTS, and how to actually pronounce them.
1. Macaron. It's not "mah-kuh-ROON" . . . it's mah-kuh-RON.
(This is for the small, colorful French cookie sandwiches made from meringue and almond flour. MACAROONS are actually a different kind of cookie made from shredded coconut.)
2. Beignet. It's not "beg-NAY" or "beg-NET" . . . it's ben-YE.
3. Crêpes. It's not "KRAYPS" . . . it's KREHPS.
4. Dulce de leche. It's not "dul-che-de-leh-chay" . . . it's dool-say-de-leh-chay.
5. Kouign-amann. It's not "Coo-gun Ay-mun" . . . it's Kween Uh-mawn.
6. Croissant. It's not "cross-aunt" . . . it's kwah-sahn.
7. Mascarpone. It's not "mas-car-pohn" . . . it's mah-skar-poh-neh.
8. Nougat. It's not "new-gat" . . . it's noo-gahh.
9. Nutella. It's not "nut-ella" . . . it's noo-tell-uh.
10. Pain au chocolat. It's not "payn-oh-choc-o-laht" . . . it's pan-oh-shoh-koh-lah.
11. Canelé. It's not "Cuh-nell-ee" . . . it's Cah-null-ay.
12. Madeleine. It's not "Maah-duh-line," like the name . . . it's Mad-lenn.
13. Clafoutis. It's not "Klaw-phoo-tiss" . . . it's Klah-phoo-tee.
14. Crème brûlée. It's not "Kreem Brew-lee" . . . it's Krehm Brew-lay.
15. Éclair. It's not "Ee-klar" . . . it's Eh-klair.
16. Maraschino cherries. It's not "ma-ra-shee-no" . . . it's ma-re-ski-no.
17. Petit four. It's not "peh-teet for" . . . it's puh-tee foor.
18. Palmier. It's not "pal-mee-ayr" . . . it's pal-me-ay.