Five Things Your Date Immediately Notices About You

It's Friday! If you've got a hot date this weekend, here are five things they're going to immediately notice and JUDGE YOU for . . .

1. Your body language. So stuff like how you walk or how you sit in your chair. Good posture makes you more attractive AND signals that you have confidence.

2. Your facial expressions. This includes making eye contact versus looking away constantly . . . or smiling authentically instead of forcing it.

3. Your grooming and hygiene. Obviously you need to cover the basics . . . a shower, brushing your teeth, and doing your hair. But there are other things too, like if your nails and beard are trimmed, or what kind of fragrance you're wearing.

4. Your outfit. Just make sure it's appropriate for the venue. You don't want to be overdressed in a suit at a bar or underdressed in a T-shirt at a nice restaurant.

5. Your manners and how you treat your server. They'll notice how you interact with them AND the waitstaff during your date.

(Huff Post)

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