Friday I got the motorcycles out of the garage, checked the oil and tires and got 'em ready to go for riding season. Always a big sign of spring in my life!
Carson Facetimed me from LA and he ran a 5K! I love this! I really didn't even know he was doing one. Of course, Susan knew because boys tend to tell their mom things they "forget" to tell their dads. AmIright?
Still training for my Pikes Peak hike in June. Josie and I went hiking just south of the Landscape Arboretum looking for some hills to conquer. We didn't find many but it was a nice hike!
But I got on my treadmill today and climbed 1280 vertical feet while watching "The Princess Bride." It was cute. Not my kind of movie but at least Bailey will stop nagging at me to see it!
Susan and Roger doing Wordle. That cat adores her. Me? Not so much.