Those pants! This is on the rental car shuttle. He was happy to see his mama. But those pants!
Lots of snow in Colorado! About 16 inches!
Susan had something in her eye and couldn’t get it out. I’ve learned one of the best things to do is try to flush it out and put a patch on it. So here’s my patch. I’m not sure which worked, the flushing or the patch, but it was gone after an hour or so!
I gave Carson a copy of my book “Little Dave’s Amazing Day.” BTW, I’d love it if you came to my book release party! It’s this Saturday, March 23 at The Local in St. Louis Park from noon till 1:30. Pick up a copy, I’d be honored to sign it for you AND there’s free apps!
TOTALLY spontaneously, we signed up for a 5K on Saturday!
Carson is now faster than me. I kept up with him for the first mile and then he left me in the dust.
I was happy that I didn’t need a walk break and finished just fine, even with the altitude!
Afterward we went to an Irish Pub.
Carson and I had shots of Jameson and watched the parade.
Sunday morning I had coffee in the jacuzzi out of my favorite Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup mug!
Sunday we drove to Breckenridge and stopped at this place Carson saw on Man vs Food.
And driving to Breck (that’s what the local’s call it!) I spotted this dog wearing goggles! I love it!
We walked around town and had dinner on Sunday night…
And hit the slopes on Monday!
Breckenridge is so beautiful but it’s hard to capture it on an iPhone. At least it is for me!