The Top Seven Things We're Buying for Valentine's Day

People say "it's the thought that counts" for birthdays and Christmas and they may or may not mean it. For Valentine's Day, that sentiment actually DOES fly for most people.

The National Retail Federation just released a survey showing the top seven things Americans are buying for Valentine's Day and even though Valentine's Day is TOMORROW, there's still time to buy most of them. Here's the list:


1. Candy. Probably something special not like Sour Patch Kids.


2. Greeting cards. Just pick one with the right tone, and write a note inside.


3. Flowers. It may be too late to have flowers sent, but you can pick them up.


4. An evening out. A little thoughtful planning can REALLY go a long way.


5. Jewelry. If you know what they like otherwise it's a pricey impulse buy.


6. Clothing. This is another one that's more challenging to pick out, last minute.


7. A gift certificate. Just pair it with a card with a nice, personal note. 




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