I went back home on Thursday last week to visit the fam & see how they were doing. I hadn't seen my Niece & Nephew for awhile so it was so nice to see how big they're getting!!
We got dinner on Thursday at one of my favorite spots called 'El Jaripeo' in Little Chute WI. If you're ever in the area, HIGHLY recommend!
I ended up doing one of my favorite things to do when I lived at my parents and that was hand cleaning my car. Idk what it is about doing it, very rewarding I guess? But I did that on Saturday and my nephew ended up snotting all over the door after I cleaned it đ
We did some bar hopping around Lake Winnebago later Saturday and it was BEAUTIFUL
We all got pretty hammered that night and took this picture (what's not pictured is my dad COMPLETELY passed out on the couch right out of frame đ)