Right after work Friday, Andrew and I drove up to Lutsen for the weekend. His grandpa has a cabin up there and lets us use it once a year! I've only played cribbage once at the cabin before so I'm not very good at it yet but it is a very fun cabin activity! (Andrew beat me both times we played).
Saturday we did some hiking at Tettegouche State Park. Shout-out Falen for the State Park pass for Christmas this year. We first did the Baptism River trail up to the High Falls. The bridge above the falls was closed off cause the water has been so high this year.
Then we did a quick hike to Shovel Point to see some of the lakeshore.
We bring our own food for the weekend when we go to the cabin and Saturday night made a nice steak dinner!
It was still pretty chilly up there and rained on and off but before we left Sunday morning it had warmed up a bit so we did get to enjoy a little time on the deck sipping some coffee!
Hope you had a good weekend!