Falen's Weekend in Five Pictures March 5-7

Friday I drove straight home...super stressed because I was giving a speech for International Women's Day for the City of Minneapolis employees. I think it went well though, so after that, I relaxed a bit!

Saturday I met Tina and our friend Harry for brunch. It was Tina's birthday, and she was SO hungover. An actual disaster but still looked very cute!

OH! Gotta throw this in too. My friend opened a children's photography studio (@littlelion.studio), and she took photos of Olive. I got them all on Friday, so I posted some on my Instagram! Here's a favorite!

We had a friend over Saturday night to have dinner. They have a little girl who's almost 2. She is SO cute! She walks around with her hands behind her back like this, so we joked that she walks around like a little old man. I think this picture perfectly depicts their personalities! haha

We also started the tradition of marking Olive's height in her closet. She isn't quite 18 months yet, but she's close. We also went for a nice walk around Lake of the Isles today! Loving this amazing weather!

Tomorrow is International Women's day, so I wanna give a virtual high-five and hug to all of you amazing women reading this. Thank you! I'm doing the show with Jenny and Tina tomorrow and giving Dave the day off! I hope you can listen!:)

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