Jenny's Weekend in Five Pics: 2/26 - 2/28J

I'm so late to the adding M&M's to your popcorn game. This is only the second time I've ever done it and I don't think I'll ever be able to eat popcorn without M&M's again. Anyways, we watched the movie I Care a Lot on Netflix since Dave recommended it and really liked it!

I don't run as much anymore but had to get out on Saturday since it was so sunny and pretty warm... for February!

I made a dancing TikTok when I was stopped at a stoplight and posted it. A lot of people messaged me saying they wouldn't be brave enough to do that in public and all I have to say to that is, if you want to dance and take a video out in public, JUST DO IT. You're never going to see these random strangers again, and if they're judging you for doing that, then they are either A. sticks in the mud or B. don't live as exciting of a life as you and are jealous. So, do you hunny!

Sunday morning I made a healthy (ish) breakfast lava cake. It was the first time I made this recipe and it turned out pretty good! You can find the recipe here.

And Sunday afternoon we went snowboarding with some friends. There's not much left of the snowboarding season so we're trying to soak up every last second we can since we have season passes!

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