Dave's 4th of July Weekend in Seven Pictures, Cuz Five Just Ain't Enuf!

This was just the best long holiday weekend. Nothing I had to do and great weather! I hope you had a great 4th of July weekend!

Here's my weekend in 7 pictures!

Welp, things didn't start out so great. Every year, Carson and I take a canoe trip and get a picture before we take off. We have a canoe but we don't have a car that can carry it so we headed down to Lake Ann with all our gear, even fishing worms. And guess what? No rentals this summer because of COVID. Well, shoot. We still had someone take our picture so we at least got that.

Like a lot of people, we are trying to de-clutter. We got rid of a bunch of stuff and even the Rubbermaid bins we held it in. The veterans got a pick pile of stuff and they took it all!

Steve told me about this book and I was immediately intrigued because it's about an Air Force family, like mine growing up. In fact, I've been on these stair as recently as this past winter when I got to host a Minnesota Night at the Academy. The book is about this family with 12 kids, half of them have schizophrenia. Just fascinating, and I went to school with their neighbor.

On July 3rd, Nintendo released a downloadable upgrade to Animal Crossing that let's you swim in the ocean and dive for treasures. I've been snorkeling in the ocean with the Scouts and it's always been a little unnerving for me because I'm not a great swimmer, and this was super-realistic and fun.

We rode out to Taylor's Falls on Friday and visited this fireworks store. It was way more crowded than this picture made it look.

On the 4th, these old WWII airplanes were flying around the western suburbs and over Lake Minnetonka. Maybe you saw them?

We played golf at Chaska Par 30 on Saturday. It was 90 degrees and that's probably why we had the course all to ourselves.

And that's it! I hope you had a good weekend! It's not always easy going back to work after a long holiday weekend, but we are there for you Monday to make it at least a little more fun! I hope you listen!

As always, thanks for looking at my blog!


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