Happy Birthday to Meeeeeeee!
I'm old.
Friday 3/6 -
My Birthday!! I turned 28 (wow that's close to 30), but it was an excellent birthday!! I went to dinner with my best & oldest friend, Katie. Before we left for dinner, she asked me to be one of her bridesmaids with one of the greatest cards EVER!
Then we went to Colita for dinner. It was SO good!!
Saturday 3/7 -
I met up with a group of old/current co-workers. We all started at iHeart together as Promotions Assistants & are still really close. We went to North Loop Galley & attempted to play this Office game, but it was too complicated so we just drank instead.
I ended up at The Loon to meet some other friends & found Jenny.
Sunday 3/8 -
One last birthday event! I went to brunch with my friend's Harry & Lauren at Nolo's. I love a birthday filled with food because food = love.
I had a friend send me these beautiful tulips for my birthday & then Harry got me this serving platter from Anthropologie. It looked so perfect with the flowers!!
Sunday was also International Women's Day! I wanted to celebrate some of the incredible women in my life & tell you a bit about them!
Top left corner – Two of my best friends, Raven & Lauren. They have both been such motivators & supporters in my life. I’ve been so impressed with them and their fearless determination.
Top middle – My kids, the Eastview Lightning Dance Team. They are the strongest people I know. I am so proud of the people they are & they have taught me so much about what it means to be a good human.
Top right corner –My second Mom, Mary. She has always been a pillar in my life on right vs. wrong and has been one of the voices in my head pushing me to always be better & make the right decisions in life. Her family brought me up on Chicago sports & she will forever be my retirement inspiration!
Middle left – Jennifer. My life is much more interesting with Jenny in it. The yin to my yang, I have learned so much from Jenny & will be forever inspired by her confidence & zest for life. She loves endlessly.
Center – My Mama. My best friend. The strongest women I’ve ever met. I don’t think I have time to write out everything about her that I love. She is my rock. I love you more than life.
Middle right – My Coaches. They are the fiercest group of women you’ll ever meet. A melting pot of personalities & leadership styles. Every day with them is an adventure in self-discovery. They make me better.
Bottom left corner – My BFFL, Katie. We’ve been friends now for 16 years. We’ve had periods of seeing each other every day, almost 8 years of long distance & now we live just down the street from each other. I’m so lucky to have a friend who has gone through life with me. Our friendship is so strong & I cherish that.
Bottom middle – Falen. I don’t remember when I became friends with Falen because it happened so naturally, one day we were co-workers, the next we were best friends without any effort. She is hilarious, talented, brave & stronger than she realizes.
Bottom right – McKaila. My other half at work. I would be so lost without her (literally). Girl works her BUTT off!! Our Caribou walks (aka therapy sessions) are crucial to life at this point. She always has my back.