Well it happened.
We moved Carson to college last week and checked him in on Saturday. He was a combination of nervous and excited and I was a combination of nervous, excited and heartbroken. He's my buddy. I know parents and their kids shouldn't be friends, but we were. We always had a good time together camping, going to concerts or games or movies or going to eat at a "Man vs Food" restaurant he'd find whenever we were in a new city. Yep, I'm gonna miss having him around.
But I'm going to keep this blog upbeat, dammit! It's easier on all of us that way!
Let's get started!
Last week I asked him if I could get a picture of him in his room. I thought he'd complain and say "Why would you want to do that?" but he agreed and I'm glad I got it.
Of course, he had to say goodbye to Josie.
Allison came along too. We camped along the way because our family has always loved camping.
For some reason, Allison has always loved washing the windshield when we get gas. We don't even ask her to, she just gets out and does it.
Driving through Cleveland, we stopped at the Christmas Story House.
It's interactive and you can touch and/or sit on everything in there. Here's the bathroom where Ralphie decoded the message and later got his mouth washed out with soap.
Nap time! Susan took this from the front seat.
A stop in Niagara Falls.
Getting close!
Driving into Boston.
We made it!
The site we blog on is getting super slow so I'll just post pics from here on of his check in, his room mates and the last pic is just before we said goodbye.
Good luck Carson! You'll do amazing things!