Join us in supporting Blue Plate and CornerHouse with the Blue Kids Campaign! Blue Kids will spread all throughout the Twin Cities during the month of April. Purchase your Blue Kids today to display outside your home or business.
Help spread awareness of child abuse—and inspire its prevention!
All proceeds from Blue Kids sales directly benefit CornerHouse.
Blue Kids represent the thousands of children abused in Minnesota each year. When you purchase Blue Kids, you help give children a safe place to talk about their abuse. You recognize the children who experience abuse every day. And you help spread awareness of child abuse—and inspire its prevention.
As a Child Advocacy Center, CornerHouse is dedicated to serving children and teens, in cases where abuse and/or violence have been reported, by creating a safe, child-centered environment for them to talk about what happened to them.
In 2010, the Blue Kids Campaign was started as a program for National Child Abuse Prevention Month in April. The Blue Kids Campaign is supported by the MN Children’s Alliance and is part of a state-wide initiative.
Our goal is to have Blue Kids everywhere in our community to remind us that, until the world is safe for all children and teens, we must “Stand for Kids.”
Take a stand for kids by placing Blue Kids in your own front yard this April. When you purchase Blue Kids, the proceeds benefit CornerHouse—which means that you’re helping to ensure that the voices of children and adolescents are heard.
There is another way you can help too!
Throughout the month of April, visit a restaurant belonging to theBlue Plate Restaurant Co. The delicious food and fantastic service atThe Freehouse,Mercury Dining Room and Rail,The Lowry,Edina Grill,Longfellow Grill,Highland Grill,Groveland Tap, and3 Squaresare good ANY-time....but they are especially good this April.
Blue Plate has partnered with CornerHouse to Stand for Kids in April. All Blue Plate restaurants will be offering the widely loved Blueberry Basil Lemonade (as made famous by Blue Plate's Blue Barn at the Minnesota State Fair!) — and $1 from every purchase of that drink will be going to CornerHouse. All guests will also have the opportunity to donate to CornerHouse, when they are paying for their meals.
When you go out to eat in April, choose a Blue Plate restaurant! Ask your kids to find the Blue Kids when you're there — because they will be displayed in every restaurant. Special Blue Plate for Blue Kids coloring pages will also be available for them while you wait for your food.