10 Life Changing Things To Try In 2019

According to Buzzfeed.com (cause that's where I prep apparently), here are 21 lil' things to try out in 2019 that may lead to a more simple life:

  1. Set your phone background to black and white if you want to limit your social media time
  2. Wear a pair of sneakers around the house if you want to be more productive (slippers work too)
  3. Reach out to an old friend you've lost touch with
  4. Do your dishes before you go to bed
  5. Sleep with your phone in a different room
  6. Try to wake up at the same time every day
  7. Practice giving compliments at least once a day
  8. Start saying "I get to" instead of "I have to."
  9. Find a hobby you can do with your hands
  10. Listen to Colt on KDWB and follow his instagram @ColtRadio

Try them out and let me know how they go :)

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