Steve-O's Wknd in Five Pics: Train Ride, Halloween Party & Pumpkin Chuckin'

The family fall bucket list had a number of items crossed off of it over the weekend including The Pumpkin Train in Dresser, WI and throwing a Halloween Party.  

After the show on Friday, our weekend started with our annual trip to the Pumpkin Train, a 20-minute ride on a train to a 'pumpkin patch' where there are activities, balloon animals and a few other things. The weather was pretty close to perfect. 

Saturday midday we did the Pumpkin Chuckin competition at Valleyfair and the winner of the $1,000 from was Brittany.  Brittany and her husband created a goal post type chucker that flung her pumpkin 107 feet.  It was mostly sunny but the wind on the field was HORRIBLE so thanks to the competitors for coming out because it was NASTY cold.

Saturday night we hosted a Halloween party, another must on our fall bucket list and the party ended up going really well. The kids had WAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY to much sugar but no major problems and I was the first one to get an apple during bobbing for apples. 

Finished the weekend with projects around the house and even though it was awesome outside, we sat inside and watched the second half of the Minnesota Vikings game. Here's what Isaac likes to wear when watching the Vikings play.

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