Real stories of paranormal experiences from people that listen to the show. If you have a story about something strange that happened, email it to me, and I'll either share it online OR I'll recreate and share it on the radio so PLEASE send me your spooky stories.
Ghost Story of the Week
The haunting of a St. Paul Duplex.
Ashley shared with us a story from growing up in a duplex in St. Paul.
A Father Just Won't Leave
My father in law lost his battle with mental illness 7 years ago. The week that his funeral was being planned, my husband and his family were at the cemetery picking out burial spot and I stayed behind at my in laws house with my daughter to get some stuff done around the house. I had a load of laundry going in the basement. I was sitting in the living room reading to my daughter and I heard the dryer stop so I got up to go down to the laundry room, I heard the dryer door open, shut and the dryer start again. My father in law passed away in the basement of their house..... Right after I heard that, I grabbed my daughter and we left because I was creeped out. That same week, my sister in law and I were going to go downstairs to grab something and my father in law smoked. We got to the middle of the stairs and we all of a sudden got a very strong smell of cigarette smoke that smelt just like him. We couldn’t smell it at the top of the stairs and no one else around us was smoking or no one outside was smoking.