It was such a fun and busy weekend that it's hard to get it all into just five pictures. But here we go!
Saturday morning, my band was in the St. Louis Park parade. It was raining and the sidewalks were a little barren of people but it was fun and the people who were there had a good time!
BTW, that's Falen's boyfriend Jake on bass drum with his son Dillon on cowbell.
My daughter Allison and I take an annual daddy-daughter flight on Saturday. We've done it every year for 21 years! Watch my blog later this week for more pictures from those flights.
Taking off from Flying Cloud Airport on Saturday afternoon took us right over Valleyfair!
Last year, we did something we'd never done for Father's Day and we liked it so much we did it again this year. We went to a park and cooked out. It was great!
And I took my buddy, Josie, paddle boarding! She loved it! Even after we fell off, she still seemed happy to be there!
I hope you had a great Father's Day weekend. Thanks for looking at my blog!