I don’t think my weekend was a bust but it was also nothing special. It was just another super cold weekend. I ended up going to a movie night at our kid's school on Friday. Here's me sitting with other parents in the back of the cafeteria watching the emoji movie.
After the movie went out with some of the dads which ended up being a bad idea because I was tired and hadn't eaten dinner so the outcome was predictable. (I being the hot mess)
Saturday took the dogs for walks worked on projects at home and honestly tried to clean up from Christmas break because life is still not back to normal.
Sunday I ended up taking the kids ice skating on a friends pond and watched the end of the Buffalo Bills loss to the Jacksonville Jaguars
Finally, Sunday evening, Olivia had studied the Japanese culture and wanted to make Japanese Noodle Soup and it ended up being incredible. Hit me up if you want the recipe because it was seriously really, really good.