Sleep-deprived mommies confess to strange things that've happened because they were tired.
- “I walked out to my car and strapped my son into his car seat before I realized that I didn't have pants on.”
- “I walked around half a morning with a lollipop stuck to my coat. On my butt.”
- “Drove 10 miles in the wrong direction trying to go to work. Work is only 10 miles away.”
- “I was so tired I forgot our son's name. I gestured to the monitor and asked my husband, 'How's what's-his-face doing?”
- “I tried to attach the dog leash to my son while trying to take him to school.”
- “Woke up looked in the bassinet and saw one of my twins sleeping soundly frantically got up to look for my second baby only to realize. I never had twins.”
- “I got in the shower, water running…. with clothes and glasses still on.”
- “I put my wallet in the freezer and the frozen peas in my handbag.”
- “I put toilet paper in the freezer.”
- “I put hand soap on my toothbrush instead of toothpaste.”
- “I once left my baby asleep on the sofa all night as I took myself back up to bed.”