It seems like everybody cheats.
We hear so many cheating stories on our show on War of the Roses, or people calling Gary Spivey. I know pretty much every couple puts their best face forward in public but in private, she's having an affair and he is too.
I know a couple where she posts on Facebook about how happy she is and she'd marry her best friend all over again, but she's cheating.
I heard a woman ask our psychic Gary Spivey whether her boyfriend is cheating and he said, "Yes, but you are too." She was shocked into silence because yep, Gary was right.
The misconception is that people only cheat because they're unhappy or unfulfilled in their marriage. Check out this quote from an expert:
Or this one:
You're probably not cheating. You may be the kind of person who would never cheat and never has. But for everyone else, check out this article.