Jenny's Weekend in Five Pics: 9/8 - 9/10

I was scheduled to work Friday night, double Saturday, and Sunday brunch at my serving job this weekend so I didn't have much of a social life.  I biked Friday along the West River Parkway and swung by Minnehaha Falls quick.

Every once in a while I'll serve people that listen to the morning show and this person didn't bring up the show while I was serving her but left this cute note on the receipt.  Holler to this customer, thanks for listening :)

After my double Saturday, I went grocery shopping and then spoon-fed myself some sherbert while watching college football and went to bed at 11pm.  Is this normal for a single, 27 year old?

MY PACKERS ARE BACK AND KILLING IT! I got off work right in time to watch the game.  They played the MOST boring first half but luckily they pulled through in the second half and won 17-9.
After the Packer game I swam laps in my apartment pool and went for a night run around the Stone Arch bridge.  I'm moving to Uptown in a week and am going to miss Northeast so much! Here's Main Street right by the Stone Arch. 

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