Friday night was quite busy. It started by going to my new favorite gym, Major Body Fitness, for their Friday night Bounce class. It was one of the regular's birthday's and she wanted the theme to be "Trading Places", so we dressed up in white button downs and twerked it out to some Ciara "Like A Boy" and Usher "Trading Places".
After, I jetted off to Kristy's 40th Birthday Bash that Steve threw at Prohibition at W Minneapolis. We give Steve a lot of crap for screwing things up but he put together a great party and we had a fabulous time! Also, how hot is his wife?
And then even AFTER that I went to Cowboy Jacks to meet up with my drunken friends that were at the Twins game that night.
I had the day off from all my jobs Saturday so I slept in for once and when I woke up I had a craving for a smoothie so I decided to try The Coffee Shop Northeast. As I roll up to The Coffee Shop I couldn't resist checking out the thrift store called Rewind next door and purchased this awesome denim backpack for $12. Pretty excited about that find. Also if you have suggestions of where to get a great smoothie, I would love to hear them! Tweet me @JennyKDWB
Sunday night I attempted a bike ride and hit a horrible pot hole about 10 minutes in and thought I was good but then a few minutes later I felt like I was riding just the rim of one of my tires so I get off my bike and sure enough, my front tire was popped. Soooo, I ended up having to walk back home but I really couldn't complain because it was a beautiful night and I had views like this one: