Truth or False? Most Americans Would Work Out Even If They Didn’t Have To

Believe it or not, a new survey finds that 76% of fitness-conscious Americans say that even if they could be fit without working out they’d still want to exercise. Six of the top eleven reasons people work out are not physical, including stress relief, relaxation, better quality of life in the future, improved mental state, desire to live longer, and feeling healthier. The main reason all age groups workout is a desire to stay active as they age. 

Other survey findings include:

  • On average, those polled participate in four different types of workouts weekly.
  • 56% of people made health or fitness-related resolutions this year, including getting more sleep, moving more during the work day, trying a new type of exercise and starting to meditate.
  • More men than women say it's important to look good while working out and that they try to look as fashionable as possible when exercising.
  • 91% say they feel energized/happy during or after a workout. Only 5% said they feel that way before a workout.

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