This weekend, I spent Saturday and Sunday back in Wisconsin with my mom, my brother and his wife.
On Saturday, we all got together for an annual bowling "tournament." It's not a real tournament because we're not all "professional" bowlers. In fact, the last time I went bowling was this same "tournament" a year ago.
It's a 9-pin tap tournament - meaning that knocking down 9 pins is considered a "strike!" It's also played "Scotch doubles" style - meaning that men and women are paired as teams for four games and in the 1st and 3rd games, the ladies bowl the first ball and the men pick up the spares (and then switch for the 2nd and 4th games). My mom is a really good bowler so I rarely had to bowl during the 1st and 3rd games because she kept bowling strikes. I felt bad for her because I'm terrible.
Of the three teams on our lane, we placed right in the middle.
Plus, the bowling alley had "mystery shots" for only $1.50, so we obvi couldn't pass that up.
On Sunday, my brother, sister-in-law and I watched Moana. They had seen it before, but this was my first time. It's sooooo good! The music is wonderful, the visual aspect and colors is amazing and the message is wonderful.
We ran to the grocery store at some point and I noticed something that I realize I have never seen in a grocery store in Minnesota - a wooden stand for Kringle. It seems like every store in Wisconsin (at least, Southeastern Wisconsin) has a stand like this for the oval-shaped danish that comes in a variety of flavors (my favorite was always cherry). Have you ever had one?
My brother, his wife and I love to play games (they do more than me, sometimes) and one of the ways we pass the time is to try different "escape rooms." We found a coupon for one that we hadn't tried yet, so we gave it a shot - and we escaped with plenty of time to spare and we didn't have to get much help from our game master!