Today's Top 10: How to Know Someone is into You

1. Lots Of Eye Contact

Subconsciously or not, we like to make tons of eye contact with people when we think they're attractive. If they can't stop staring into your eyes, you've got your first clue.

2. Their Pupils Dilate

According to Patti Wood, a body language expert and author of Success Signals, A Guide to Reading Body Language, big pupils mean your crush is looking at you with desire. "Dilation is a brain response that occurs when you like and are attracted to something," Wood tells Cosmopolitan.

3. They Lean Toward You

They just want to be close to you! Note their body language — this will reveal a lot about their intentions with you.

4. They Ask Questions

We are very inquisitive when we're around people who interest us. So if they're asking tons of questions, they want to know more about you — and see more of you .

5. They Make Plans

If they want to see you again sometime soon, they're into you. No one wants to commit to something next Thursday unless they actually really want to spend time with you.

6. They're Creative

They don't just ask you to come over at 2 a.m. or see if you want to grab a drink at a dive. They get tickets to shows or explore new restaurants with you, because they don't want to just be super boring — they want to come off as exciting and fun.

7. Two Words: Body Contact

If there's a lot of arm-touching or "accidental," under-the-table leg-grazing, take heed: That probably wasn't an accident.

8. They Point Their Toes Toward You

Take a peek at their toes. "The feet tend to point where the heart wants to go," Wood tells Cosmopolitan. It doesn't get much more simple than that.

9. They Don't Talk About Other Romantic Conquests

Because they just want to conquest you, duh.

10. They Ask Your Opinion

Whether it's a decision about which movie to see or a decision about life, they want you to weigh in.

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