Family Writes Brutally Honest Obit (Awkward Alert)

A guy named Leslie passed away a few weeks ago and his family doesn't seem to care because they think he lived '29 years longer than expected".

The obituary goes on to mention his "relieved" children and describes the rest of his family as "victims." It then launches into the nitty gritty stuff.

"Leslie became a model example of bad parenting combined with mental illness and a complete commitment to drinking, drugs, womanizing and being generally offensive," the obituary read.

The family later describes him as intelligent, but unambitious, with such hobbies as "squandering the family savings," "being abusive to his family" and "expediting trips to heaven for the beloved family pets."

No services will be held, the obituary stated. The same goes for prayers. The end wasn't redeeming.

"Leslie's remains will be cremated and kept in the barn until 'Ray,' the family donkey's wood shavings run out," the obituary read. "Leslie's passing proves that evil does in fact die and hopefully marks a time of healing and safety for all."

Teachable moment from this story?  Love your family and treat them well in life or they'll write this about you.  

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