Jenny's Weekend in Five Pics: 4/10 - 4/12

First off, Happy Easter! I don't normally celebrate Easter with my family since they're all in Wisconsin, so being alone on Easter wasn't out of the norm for me, but I'm assuming Easter was a little different for most of you this year. Whether you got to see a few family members or spent it alone like me, hope you a good day!

Alright, so my weekend started with getting drunk on Facebook Live Friday night. Did it get out of control? Maybe, but I had a lot of fun. Thanks to everyone who watched! Afterwards I hopped on a Zoom bday party. I met Katie at some KDWB events and her friend sent me a link to her Zoom bday so I figured I might as well keep the party rolling!

My boyfriend and I made my favorite shrimp taco recipe Friday night as well. They look messy but promise they're AMAZING. I have the recipe posted here.

Saturday morning I woke up with a hangover so we decided to grab some coffee and go for a little walk to get some fresh air. Found this cool tree while walking around Loring Park!

Saturday afternoon I was sitting outside playing ukulele and I got my first sunburn of the year! Later in the day my boyfriend and I went and played tennis.

Saturday night we made a Mongolian beef and fried rice recipe. We need to start paying attention to serving sizes when we take a recipe off of Pinterest because between the two recipes, it could have fed a family of 5 or 6! We just pretended like we had "meal-prepped" for the week and now have tons of leftovers.

I realize that my weekend blogs have consistently included food pics, but really, there's not much else to take pictures of right now. So I hope you enjoy the food content for now. Thanks for checking out my blog :)

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