You Shouldn't Sit on the Toilet for Longer Than 10 Minutes

Happy National Crapper Day!  (???) It's a British holiday dedicated to a plumber from the 1800s named Thomas Crapper. He's not the reason for the word "crap" though. It's just a coincidence.

In related news: What's your average length of toilet time? Would you say you're quick in there, or do you take your time? A recent study warned you shouldn't sit on the toilet for longer than 10 minutes.

For some, 10 minutes seems like an eternity. But for others, you haven't even made it through the commercial break of your favorite TV show.  (You know who you are.)

It's a big deal because prolonged toilet time is connected to weakened pelvic muscles and an increased risk of hemorrhoids. Basically, it's a gravity problem. The longer you sit, the more blood rushes to that area.

So, what can you do if you normally spend a lot of time on the john? The main thing doctors suggest is to keep your phone, tablet, and books OUT of there. Try to make sitting on the toilet uninteresting.  (Make Pooping Boring Again!)


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