You can’t see it very well, but yep, there I am, looking like I was attached with a knife.
So many local notables at this fashion show! Clockwiser from the left, me, Morgan Wolfe and Alicia Lewis from KARE 11, Colt from KDWB, Vont, Bailey and Amy James from K102.
Here we are all dressed up!
My friend’s daughter, Bella, is in the hospital and she got a ukulele as a gift. I asked my friend if I could come by and teach Bella a few chords and play together. Afterward, I met some of the nursing staff and the doc who all listen to KDWB! I even wrote a song for them!
And now, “The Predictable Picture of the Week.” Pretty much every weekend I take my girl out hiking, or as the cool people would call it, “Rucking” because I’m wearing a 30 pound weighted vest.