Bailey's Fringe Weekend #1

The MN Fringe Festival started on the 1st and since then, I've seen 21 shows! And this is just the first weekend! Can't wait to fill my entire week with Fringe. My favorite shows I've seen so far: VILE, Daddy Issues, Beanie Baby Divorce Play, and Good Ones.

On Friday, I went to "Speech Camp" with some of the kids on my Speech Team. We just met at a library and worked on getting ahead of the Speech season. I wish more of my team showed up, but oh well. Can't win em all.

Friday night I began night 2 of the Fringe Festival. Stuck around the West Bank stretch of theaters: saw Hannah do burlesque and I sang karaoke!

Saturday I was signed up to volunteer garden again, but shhhhh, I skipped it. Fringe goes late night and ya girl wakes up early for work; I'm running on little sleep. Saw 7 Fringe shows and loved loved loved 2 of them, but got to see a lot of friends!

After the last show, I went to Fringe Central with friends. I always feel awkward in a crowded room, friends or no. Had a lot of amicable conversations with acquaintances and had two whole beers - woke up on Sunday with a headache.

Sunday I was at it again and saw 7 more shows. A lot of great ones on Sunday! The only thing that I find exhausting about Fringe is listening to some of the conversations from people who compete over who takes up the most space. And I spent a lot of Sunday trying to be only a little nice to a guy who I swore was into me. Turns out he's gay.

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