People Who Rarely Get Sick Share Their Secrets

If you blocked COVID-19 news from your Google alerts, you haven't heard: Covid is surging again . . . with cases in 26 states "high" or "very high."  (It doesn't sound like your existing concern-level should change.)


So, here's a question for the people who RARELY or NEVER GET SICK . . . "What's the secret? Seriously." Some people are sharing their tips online . . . but unfortunately, most of them are NOT practical for everyone.


1. "Go to sleep early, and get nine hours of sleep every night."


2. "Stay away from kids."


3. "Stay active, and drink plenty of water."  (Thanks, grandma!)


4. "Wash your hands constantly, and don't touch your face or rub your eyes."


5. One person said, "I barely leave the house."


6. "Eat fruits and vegetables, and avoid unhealthy stuff, especially fast food."


7. "Stop eating indoors at restaurants."


8. "Wear a mask in crowded areas."


9. "Take Vitamin D supplements." Others add: Vitamin C, zinc, and fish oil.


10. "Keep an optimistic attitude."


11. "Avoid stress."


12. "Add garlic and ginger to your diet." Others suggest: Spicy peppers, onion, kimchi, bone broth, wasabi, tofu, natural yogurt, and natural mustard. Someone said they "haven't had pizza since 2012," and apparently that helped???


13. "Go for a 30-minute walk every day."


14. "Don't be lazy."  (???)


15. And someone said, "I work in construction and regularly put objects in my mouth that I have picked up from the floor."


There was actually a lot of that type of stuff. People said they believe they have strong immune systems because they EMBRACE germs . . . even to the point of not washing their hands regularly on purpose.


Finally, some credited their immune system to GENETICS. 



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