Jenny's Weekend in Five Pics: 5/31 - 6/2

I went to a "Meditation and Mindfulness" class last week and got this Journal that I'm going to attempt to stay on top of for the next 8 weeks!

Saturday I got a fantastic workout in playing pickleball with Falen, Ted from promotions and our friend Ondi!

Saturday afternoon Andrew and I biked over to Hopkins to hit up the LTD Brewing Block Party.

We met up with Tina and a bunch of her friends that go every year. It was a blast! Listened to some good music, played Hammerschlagen, and ate some great food from food trucks!

I bought my house almost 3 years ago and Sunday I did something for the first time since owning my house... mowed the lawn. When I bought it, it was Fall and it didn't need to be mowed and last summer with the lack of rain, Andrew mowed it a total of 3 times. He's already mowed it a couple times this year so I told him I wanted to do it this time! I used to mow my Grandma's lawn all the time so I'm no amateur to mowing lawns, it's just one of those things that Andrew does more of and I vacuum the house a little bit more!

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