Jenny's Weekend in Five Pics: 1/5 - 1/7

I stayed home most of the weekend because Friday I had a BBL & Moxi Laser Treatment done to help with some skin issues that I have. I've started to see some sun damage from the years of tanning beds and laying out without sunscreen so I'm trying to get ahead of having too many age spots showing up. If you have any questions about the treatments I had done, feel free to DM me!

This was an hour after. It's feels like a sunburn but faded after a couple hours. As I'm writing this, I'm 48 hours out and my face is a bit puffy still, starting to peel in some areas, but the redness is mostly gone! Should see the results in the next couple weeks.

I didn't feel super comfortable going out in public with the way my face looked so I spent more time than normal watching TV. I did watch the documentary/study everyone's talking about "You Are What You Eat: a Twin Experiment". They took 4 sets of twins and had one on a vegan diet and one on an omnivore diet along with fitness added in to see how the diets affected each. In the end the vegan diet came ahead of eating meat and in certain areas was much better, like having a healthy gut microbiome, BUT if you do your research you will realize that it was funded by vegan organizations so if you pick up on some bias, that's why. I do think there are a lot of benefits to eating more fruits/veggies than a heavy meat diet but I also still believe that meat is good for you as long as you are eating good meat, which admittedly I don't do enough research on. After watching it, Andrew and I did a Costco run and went much heavier on the fruits/veggies than we normally do.

We got out for a walk in the gloomy/gray weather Saturday.

Even though my face was still pretty puffy, I needed to get out of the house so Sunday I went to a Caribou to do some work!

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