Jenny's Weekend Back Home in Five Pics!

Andrew and I went back to my hometown this weekend. We went to my niece and nephew's swimming lessons and my nephew is not a fan of them quite yet so my sister had to go in with him to get him comfortabe, lol.

We hit up the apple orchard I grew up going to that has hands down the best caramel apples and muffins I've ever had! If you ever find yourself around Fond du Lac, WI, definitely check it out, it's called The Little Farmer!

The main reason we went home was to see my younger sister, Katie, do a half marathon. Katie's the one who had a stroke this summer and I get lots of questions asking how she's doing and for the most part, she's back to her normal self! She signed up to do a half marathon a couple months ago, not sure if she'd be able to do it with having some restrictions of what she can do after having a stroke but she was cleared to do it and I'm so proud of her for competing it :)

Our cousin Annika did it with her and we had the whole family there to cheer them on!

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