Dave’s Weekend in Five Photos: Do You Remember What This Smells Like?

I hope you had a good weekend! Mine was kind of quiet with some fun things sprinkled in. Let’s get right to those pictures!

Friday night we hit up Wildfire for dinner. Shout out to our bartender, Brooke, who was just amazing to watch! How she kept up with all the drink orders, I have no idea!

Susan has been crocheting like crazy lately! (She likes it better than playing on her phone!) and she made this hat! Nice job!

Chickens! I grew up on a chicken farm so we have a collection of chickens in the kitchen. The latest is on the top left. It was given to me by Kristin who listens to the show and she didn’t have a place for it. It used to belong to Dark Star, who was a legendary radio figure here in the Twin Cities. I’m really happy to give it a new home. Thanks Kristin!

Saturday I went to a ukulele convention and had a great time! I learned a lot and it kind of reignited my interest in playing!

We watched the girls Saturday until Sunday afternoon. Ava was playing with Pla-Doh and wow! You never quite forget that smell! Do you remember what it smells like?

And that’s it! The Vikings won. I made a great soup in the crockpot (Recipe to come!) and now we’re getting ready for the week.

I hope you had a great weekend! I mean that! :)

Thanks for taking a minute to look at my pictures!


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