Falen's Weekend in 5 Pictures 9/29-10/1

Friday was a very calm night. I went home after work, and we watched TV (Love is Blind) and had dinner. Saturday things picked up! I went to the Parade of Homes for an event, and got to meet so many awesome people! It was so cool because they had a free food truck and coffee cart and puppies up for adoption! Some of my friends stopped by to say hi too!

Then I went over to my friend, Tom's house! He had a party for the Gopher's game, and I went for the snacks and drinks. Jenny took this picture and will probably kill me for using it because I think she's using it for her weekend in 5 pics, but...

While I was working, Jake took Olive to dance class. My friend took this pic of our girls, and it's so cute!

Then we went to our friend, Michelle's neighborhood party. They had a band and everything. It was super fun!

Today we took the boat out for one of our last rides of the season and hit Trader Joe's. I wish there was one closer to where we live, but I love the account, @traderjoes5itemsorless on Instagram. I also kicked off my October Peloton challenge-100 miles this month. Again, that isn't a lot for someone who rides a lot, but I haven't been on it a lot this summer. So I did a 45 minute ride this morning. I do not love doing long rides. I usually do 20 or 30 minutes.
Thank you for checking out my weekend pics, and just a reminder, I join the Jason Show on Fox at 10a Tuesday morning. I'll be filling in for Kendall while she's out on maternity leave:)

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