"What I Did This Summer" An Essay With An Accompanying Drawing by Dave Ryan

We had a teacher, Mrs. Lane, on who gave us an assignment to write an essay, "What I Did This Summer". First rule was we had to write down five words and not use any of those words. Here are mine:

Beach, hot, trip, swim, mountains

We also had to write two paragraphs with correct pronunciation and draw an accompanying picture.

Notice I worked Mrs. Lane's name into the clouds and I hope that'll get me extra credit. #suckup

Here it is.

Even though there was not one stand out event that happened, I loved my summer. Summer is by far, my favorite season and I looked forward to going outdoors and doing all the things I love about the season. I took a couple of long motorcycle rides; one to Duluth which was great and one to Brainerd which was okay. I also rode in the hill country of Texas in 107 degree heat which wasn’t a great experience but it sure was memorable.

I loved spending time with Ava and Evelyn and even got to take Liam to Colonial Williamsburg with his class. Not everything I tried worked out. I got rollerblades and never quite mastered them and still haven’t learned to ride my unicycle but I had a lot of fun trying. Carson was home for a month of summer and I loved having him here. We played golf and watched a ton of movies and shows, including the disaster by The Weeknd called “The Idol.” Probably the best thing about the summer was hearing that Chase and his wife are having a baby girl next March. They are so happy and they needed something wonderful to happen for them.

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