You may have heard about kids who accidentally order something, by picking up their parent's phone, and button mashing. But THIS is more extreme than that.
A father shared a video on TikTok, showing how his five-year-old son ordered almost $1,000 worth of stuff on Amazon, by just ASKING Alexa to have the stuff added to his cart.
Most of it was TOYS, but he also asked for a HOT TUB, and a $500 one got ordered. And it could've been a lot worse, because he was asking for MULTIPLE things, like "112 water slides," and potentially expensive stuff, like a "rocket ship that goes five trillion miles per hour, and five trillion feet off the ground."
The dad shared this tip, "Parents . . . make sure you disable voice purchases on your Alexa app so this doesn't happen to you."
It sounds like the father DID get a refund because he said he "regrets not keeping the hot tub, every day."